Ways You Can Encourage Your Kids Learning | KalliKids

How children learn

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Children learn from every day experiences and from everything they do.

As parents, you see your child learn to eat, walk and do handstands but you also see them learn to share, respect other people, listen and observe the world around them. From our own experiences as mums at KalliKids, we know the pride and joy that watching your child learn can bring.

So are there ways you can encourage learning?

For many years, academics have studied how children learn and there are many, many theories. As a parent you can choose to believe or not to believe these but the theories have influenced teaching, tuition and coaching methods across the country....and may have influenced you as a parent without realising.

The overall learning articles here at KalliKids aim to provide high level information on learning theories, hints on ways to help your child and information about specific aspects of learning and child development.

The articles include a few games and ideas for rainy days and having fun whilst learning.

We don't claim to be the experts in learning, but as mums we like to understand how to help our kids in new ways and share that with other parents.
Parents influence greatly the development of their children, and the quote below from a lifelong teacher and lecturer on family dynamics Dorothy Law Nolte rings true (written in 1954 and quoted across the world).

Children learn what they live

If a child lives with criticism, he learns to condemn. If a child lives with hostility, he learns to fight. If a child lives with ridicule, he learns to be shy. If a child lives with jealousy, he learns to feel guilty. If a child lives with impropriety, he learns to feel shame. If a child lives with tolerance, he learns to be patient. If a child lives with encouragement he learns confidence. If a child lives with praise, he learns to appreciate. If a child lives with fairness, he learns justice. If a child lives with security, he learns to have faith. If a child lives with approval, he learns to like himself. If a child lives with acceptance and friendship, he learns to find love in the world. With what is your child living?

Dorothy Law Nolte


Picture of KalliKids Pink child bod (small 2)

Want to know about the VAK approach to learning?

Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty. Anyone who keeps learning stays young. The greatest thing in life is to keep your mind young.

Henry Ford

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