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Contact Ruth Our South Walesire Champion | KalliKids

Ruth - South Wales Champion

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Ruth Appleton KalliKids Champion helping parents in South Wales


My name is Ruth and I’m a busy Mum to two busy daughters aged 13 and 11. I’m a proud Welsh girl and have been lucky enough to live in the lovely seaside town of Porthcawl for the past eight years, interrupted by an amazing year living in Boston, USA recently which brought a halt to my journalism and writing career.

My daughters have tried almost every activity imaginable over the years so I know how difficult it can be sometimes to track down the perfect club. I wish KalliKids had been around when my girls were younger as it would have made my life much easier! Instead, I am making it my mission to help other parents and kids in South Wales find great clubs and activities to keep the kids stimulated and engaged and maybe even use them as a springboard to a future successful career.

Join me in spreading the word in South Wales!


Feel free to contact me about how I can help you:

Phone: 07713 914773