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Contact Lotte our Cotswolds Champion | KalliKids

Lotte - Cotswolds & Cambridgeshire

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Lotte, KalliKids Local Champion, helping parents find quality children's activities and services in the Cotswolds



My name is Lotte and I am Mummy to four fantastic children, 3 daughters and a son, all of primary school age.

Having recently moved from Cambridgeshire to the Cotswolds, my family and I are starting from scratch. Finding quality services for my family is paramount to settling into our new life.

Working for KalliKids not only means that I am finding new places to visit, new clubs to try and new experiences for my family, I can also help the whole of the Cotswolds find quality services for their families.

In Cambridge and now in the Cotswolds I run a successful sewing club for children.

As a provider, I am excited to be part of the KalliKids portfolio. As a busy parent I can’t wait to investigate varied children’s services in the Cotswolds and work with the great providers I know in Cambridgeshire!

Feel free to contact me about how I can help you:


Phone:07801 273798