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Contact Beverley Our Sussex Champion | KalliKids

Beverley - Sussex Champion

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Beverley Hart KalliKids Champion for Sussex


My name is Beverley and I have lived in Sussex for 25 years. I have a son who was born in July 2013. Since having him I have been immersed in a world of nappies, milk, toys and everything baby-related. I am a champion because it's a job I really believe in... As a mother I spend a considerable amount of time scouring the internet and local papers to find activities to do etc and to have a website where I have all the information in one place complete with parents' reviews is a dream to me.

I am now helping to spread the word about KalliKids in Sussex.


Feel free to contact me about how I can help you:
Phone: 07710 430198



Sussex Children's Charity

Beverley and KalliKids support The Chestnut Tree House, supporting families with children who have life-shortening illnesses.