About Buddha Buddies

Buddha Buddies run educational based yoga classes in Kent. All classes are based around appropriate age group activities:
Buddha Babies from birth to fast crawlers, this class is all about working with reflexes and developmental milestones. Each class involves songs and rhymes to work with your baby. 

Buddha Tots from fast crawlers to age 2, this class moves with your little yogi's new found need for independent movement. Working on lots of developmental issues such as 'crossing the midline', spatial awareness and communication. Each class is themed and engages these big personalities that are on the move! Songs, rhymes and lots of props to ensure we capture their attention and imagination!

Buddha Pre-Schoolers from 2.5 years to age 5 this class moves on from the tots classes with a more structured plan for each session. Again themed we now work on lots of partner and team work to begin social interaction and skills needed for their changing world.

BB Education from year R up to year 7 this programme is based around a more educational structure to coincide with mainstream curriculum. Based on research that is linking physical activity to benefits in learning, social and emotional skills these courses are all about taking PE out of the gym/ school hall and into the classroom. 


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