About The Drama Studio

The Drama Studio has long established proven successes teaching Creative Drama to young people. We work with our students allowing them full participation in the roles and story building elements of our projects and plays and appeal to imaginative/creative students who are interested in the many different aspects of Drama.
We can also include children with physical/emotional needs dependent on the level of support they require.
Younger end students learn how to create story lines and perform them with our enthusiastic Tutors who work in role with them to achieve a natural delivery of performance. Drama Studio Tutors are a PVG Scheme Record Members.
Juniors will become very good at this and their confidence in presentation will begin to stand out among their day school peers.
Children will be able to join our Casting Directory and if successful, hear and see themselves on Radio, TV, Film.
Teenage students do a Theatre Show every year and also take part in a fantastic Film Project which is celebrated in June in a red carpet Oscar style Awards night - a huge great fun highlight. 
We also offer Weekly Holiday Club Activities and Weekend Children's Drama Parties.
The Drama Studio is sincerely committed to the creative and personal development of it's students as acknowledged by the feedback  received from students, parents and school teachers alike.


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