About Samurai Ninja School

Ninjutsu is a martial art that promotes the personal development of high values, moral codes and an exciting circle of learning and self-discovery. Our lessons are age specific. Each age group we teach gets exactly what they need from our classes, from fun games and acrobatic skills to confidence building and lessons in team work. Our syllabus includes activities for fitness, anti-bullying, self-defence as well as important life lessons to help children grow physically, mentally and emotionally.

The children are split into age groups as follows:-

3½ - 4½ years Ninja Tots

4½ - 7 years Mini Ninjas

8 - 11 years Mighty Ninjas

12+ Teen Ninjas.

Ninpo is an art that children and parents can be proud of. It is a way for shy children to grow in confidence, for boisterous children to understand and learn discipline, for all children to understand and channel feelings of frustration, stress and anger into a positive direction.

We focus on helping children understand how to avoid conflict and aggression, gaining skills to help them escape danger. Through learning the value of patience and focus, children can one day achieve the highly coveted rank of Black Belt.

The Samurai centre teachers are fully certified and licensed and were trained in Japan by our Grandmaster. We use fully matted training areas and have a fantastic fun children's curriculum.


Key Contact Details

Key Contact
Stuart Allinson

01273 570940




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