About Parent 4 Success
Hi, I’m Elizabeth. I’m an international parenting specialist who speaks regularly on TV and radio.
So how can I help you?
Does your child have a problem with:
- Sleep?
- Homework?
- Bullying?
- Defiance?
- Getting dressed and out of the house in the morning?
- Going to bed and staying there?
- Behaving well when you're out?
- Anger management?
- Friendship issues?
- Spending too long on computer games?
- Dealing with a divorce or separation?
Whatever your issue - I can help!
I'm going to bet you spend a lot of money on your child. We all do as parents! But what I'm offering is a tailor-made series of parenting sessions to solve ALL your parenting issues, and to give you the peace of mind that you've done your very best as a parent!
Please give me a ring to arrange a free call to talk about the issues with your child and how I can help you to solve them.
Don't let problems drift on for years. It sets up your child for failure, gets them into bad habits that can last a lifetime, and stops you having the close relationship with your child that they need and deserve.
Call me today on 01403 839683. Because your child and your family life is worth it!