About Lingotot Darlington

My name is Lucy Cass and I am a Mum and Modern Foreign Language teacher. I own Lingotot Darlington which offers Modern foreign Language provision (French/Spanish/Mandarin and German) to babies, toddlers and young children up to the age of 11 through community classes, nurseries/pre-schools and primary schools. Sessions are fun and interactive and include singing, games/play, stories and craft activities for the younger children.

Weekly community classes are for children to attend with their Parents/Grandparents/Childminders during term time. We cover different material each term - Spring/Summer/Autumn. We encourage family learning and everyone is welcome. Siblings can attend the same sessions. A snack and drink is provided for the children each week. Also look out for Summer sessions if you can not make it on a weekly basis.

Key Contact Details

Key Contact
Lucy Cass

0845 680 8148




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