What Are Our Questions?

The start of a new year brings with it the drive to create resolutions or the promise to make big changes. We feel full of energy and commitment to do things smarter. 

However the reality is often that these things don’t happen or we lose our energy along the way to make the changes we said we wanted to. 

What I have noticed, when working with clients, is that they often feel like they ‘should’ be doing things differently just because it’s a new year. So nowhere along the line have they stopped and reflected on the changes they need to make. Nowhere have they sat down and thought, “What is best for my business, customers or me?”

Reflection can be a powerful tool and can really help us to recognise our achievements and focus on what we want to do more or less of going forward. Taking time to do this, finding a quiet space with a cup of tea and no interruptions could do wonders for your business.


The legendary management consultant Peter Drucker said, “One does not begin with answers. One begins by asking, ‘what are our questions?’”.


Here are 5 questions to help you reflect on the year gone by, and focusing the start of your 2016.


What has gone well?

Capture your highlights (big ones and the little ones) from the year just gone. Write a list and put it up on your wall. Have it somewhere where you can see it regularly and smile!


What could have been better?

Not everything goes to plan. We don’t always get things right first time and that’s ok. It is healthy to reflect on that and accept we aren’t perfect. As long as we learn from it for next time.


What would I do differently next time?

Working to make something better can make all the difference. We can and should always improve, learn to do things differently for the good of our business, our customers and ourselves.

Now take time to look forward into 2016 with these questions..


What do I need to stop doing?

Sometimes recognising things we need to stop and then consciously choosing to stop them can feel amazing! Take control.

What do you need to stop doing this year, so you can make sure this year is the best yet?



What do I need to start doing?

What do you need to do that so far you’ve only been thinking about? Think about this in the context of your customers, your business and you.


From the answers to the questions above you will hopefully be starting to create a fab focused list of actions you can take to increase the effectiveness and success of your business in 2016.


If you wish to talk about anything I’ve mentioned in my blog then please don’t hesitate to comment or get in touch.


About Fiona McBride

Fiona McBride is an experienced management trainer, facilitator and coach who over many years has worked to support and develop a wide variety of staff and managers at various stages of their careers.

Fiona is educated to master’s degree level. She has chartered membership of the CIPD, a coaching qualification and is accredited to use various personal and team development profiling tools.

Fiona’s specialism is about making a difference in work through effective management development.


Find Fiona at www.fionamcbride.com and @Fionamcbride on Twitter.

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