Lula-Rose, Flamenco in Brighton
Meet Lula-Rose, learning Flamenco with Sponsored Child 2015
Name: Lula-Rose
Age: 4 years old
Skill learning: Flamenco Dance
Sponsor: Flamenco Dance Academy in Brighton
About Lula: Lula-Rose lives in Brighton and will be attending Flamenco lessons once a week. She is very excited about the opportunity.
Updates on Lula-Rose's progress in her Flamenco classes
Lula-Rose is one of the lucky children to be sponsored in 2015. She'll be learning Dance with Flamenco Dance Acedemy in Brighton and you can see how much she progresses over the year.
Update from Mum (Date: 26/5/15)
Lula has been going every week to her dance lessons. She has loved learning the routines and movements. She adores Vicky and Alvo and finds it so much fun. She always wants to wear her dress and shoes at home!
She is very confident in a large group and participates happily - it's amazing to see. She contributed to the performance at St Ann's Well Spring Festival and we were so proud for her. She's also exhausted after class and that's great to see - it's challenging in every way.
Over the last few weeks she's grown more confident, improved her ballance and her graceful dance arms! It's just a really lovely dance class, with excellent teachers and it's so much fun.