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Lucky Sponsored Kids: Adam Learns French | KalliKids

Adam learns French with C'est Chouette singing French

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Adam is 21 months and is learning French with C'est Chouette singing French.

The classes are a fresh take on learning languages for children between the ages of 20 months and 10 years, and they are a fantastic way to introduce foreign language to children at an early age, giving them the head start that they need to do well with languages at school and in life.







"Well as the terrible twos take hold it has made for interesting French Singing classes. We have Shy Adam, Angry Adam, well behaved Adam and all in a period of 45 minutes!The last few lessons have been a challenge but culminating in the last sessionwith a very happy boy joining in! I have given up guessing what is going on in Adams head as it is animpossible task, I can only put itdown to developing and learning how to function in the world and this cannot be easy for someone so young.
"Now we are creeping toward Christmas the last lesson was a hit with some Christmas dressing upand festive songs which he enjoyed.
Adam is still showing his French off more at homethan in classand is confident with his numbers and colours so can only see him improving as the weeks go on."
Mum, Lyndsey, Dec 2014


5 October 2014

So now we are into the swing of the new term Adam is progressing well - becoming far more involved and confident. His friend has joined the class too so loves having a friend there to enjoy the activities and singing with.

It is so great having such a young child learning a language as they do not suffer the same shyness adults do in trying to speak another language. If Adam knowsthe wordhe says it! He has even taken to asking for this Hungry Caterpillar book in French to be read to him over his English one. I think my husband is praying he doesn't have to read it as knows less French than Adam!

The lessons are a great mix of singing and jumping so he never gets bored and as is particularly beneficial for boys, gets to bounce out his energy....and I bounce mine outtoo, and I have considerably less of it!!

21 July 2014

"Now the summer holidays are upon us, sadly our French lessons have come to an end until the Autumn term starts.  Over the past few weeks there has been an acceleration in Adams learning and his confidence too.  It feels like all of a sudden he isn't shy anymore and is singing along with the songs and joining in with the moves.  He happily counts from 1-12 in French (he only knows 1-10 in English) and is happy to do so in the middle of the supermarket at the top of his voice as I mutter that I don't know who that French kid is!   He is starting to repeat parts of the French story book I read to him before bed and gets very excited when I talk about going to our lesson.  When I think that it has only been 16 sessions so far I am so impressed at how well he is doing.  The French CD is still a total hit, so much so that he is now asking for certain tracks to be repeated.  Am going to make sure I keep up the singing when we are in the car and buy some more French books and hopefully impress Debbie with some new vocabulary when lessons start again." 

30 April 2014

"Adam and I were looking forward to returning to C'est Chouette Singing French after the Easter break. In Adams last lesson (after only 5) he spoke his first word in French - vache (cow)!  I was totally amazed as I never expected it to happen so soon. He had repeated the word several times when looking at pictures of a cow so know it isn't a one off! It is interesting that Adam knows there is more than one word for cow especially as he is just learning to speak, I thought he would get more confused.....but I'm no expert. Talking of experts, Adam will be watched in class, in action, by an Educational Observer shortly so we have exciting times ahead!"

19 March 2014

"After just 4 lessons of French Adam is loving it! When I ask if he would like to go to his French class I get a nod, which is amazing in itself as the current word du jour is NO! Now we have the C'est Chouette Singing French CD the wasted time in the car is filled with songs and it has been  very useful, not only for learning but as we are now entering tantrum stage it's been great at calming him down straight away. In the last week Adam has started to master his numbers 1-5 in English and a couple of colours so will be watching how his French numbers and colours fit in with this new knowledge." 

13 March 2014

"We are so excited to start C'est Chouette Singing French.  It will be so interesting to see how Adam reacts to learning  a new language before even mastering his own and to see if hearing French and participating in a group with others learning it, aids his progression in speech.  

At just 21 months I feel Adam is at the perfect age to start listening and participating in a new language as he is demonstrating his mimicking skills at every opportunity.

It will be wonderful to meet other children too and for him to learn in a safe, supportive and fun environment. We just cannot wait!"