Zak, Sports and Fitness in Kingston


Meet Zak, learning Sports and Fitness with Sponsored Child 2015




Name:  Zak

Age: 3 Years old

Skill learning: Sports and Fitness

Sponsor:  Ready Steady Go Kids in Kingston

About Zak:  Zak is attending Nursery part-time but not at school yet. He is looking forward to starting classes on Saturdays with Ready Steady Go Kids! 



Updates on Zak's progress in his Sports classes

Zak is one of the lucky children to be sponsored in 2015. He'll be taking Sports and Fitness classes with RSGK in Kingston and you can see how much he progresses over the year.


Update from Mum (Date: 8/6/15)

Zak has really enjoyed his first term at ReadySteadyGoKids Kingston! He looks forward every Saturday morning to "his and daddy's" activity together. He's really taken to the classes well, and of the sports they've covered so far, he enjoyed cricket and Aussie rules football the most. His co-ordination and focus have both noticeably improved since starting the RSGK classes, and he really likes both the coaches and his classmates. We're so grateful to both Kallikids and RSGK for this opportunity, and we're all looking forward to the rest of the year!




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