Sophie, Dance in Brighton
Meet Sophie, learning Creative Dance with Sponsored Child 2015
Name: Sophie
Age: 2.5 years old
Skill learning: Creative Dance
Sponsor: Magic Moves in Brighton
About Sophie: Sophie lives in Brighton and isn't attending nursery yet. She's been to two taster sessions at Magic Moves.
Updates on Sophie's progress in her Creative Dance classes
Sophie is one of the lucky children to be sponsored in 2015. She'll be learning Creative Dance with Magic Moves in Brighton and you can see how much she progresses over the year.
Update from Mum (Date: 21/12/15)
Sophie has continued to go to magic moves and enjoys the classes. The quality of her movements has definitely improved since she started. She is able to follow instructions and movements correctly, when she's in the right mood!
Sophie finds the changing of the theme a little difficult and it often takes her a few weeks to warm up to the new routines. Sophie particularly enjoys using the equipment which Kate provides. The chiffon scarves and ankle bells were a particular hit! In the next term or so I am hoping Sophie will start to join in with the whole session more often. She is starting pre school in january so maybe that will make her feel more grown up and able to join in for prolonged periods.
Update from Mum (Date: 8/9/15)
After a long summer break, this Monday Sophie started back at Magic Moves. She had been talking about dancing and seeing Kate the previous few days so I knew she'd missed it! Surprisingly, to begin with, Sophie was rather unsure. She stood and watched for a long time but didn't join in. After a while, Sophie warmed up and suddenly decided to join in!
I think it was when she had to be a cat that she got inspired-we have cats, who she loves! Sophie was able to follow all the instructions, watched Kate and copied her moves. Sophie always enjoys the props-baskets, scarves, pom poms etc. This week the children did some dancing based around fruit picking, and as we'd been fruit picking during the holidays she really clicked into this dance. Im hoping that soon she will join in with a whole class with enthusiasm!
Update from Mum (Date: 29/5/15)
Sophie has been attending her dance classes every week. She has enjoyed the stories which Kate uses for the children to move to. She's enjoyed being a dragon and a knight and always enjoys all the props which Kate provides.
Sophie has become more confident in the group and has joined in more and more each week. I'm not sure there have been many challenges apart from the time of the class is on after lunch and that's when she normally naps so it's taken a bit of swapping around but we've managed to get a nap in the morning so she's really wide awake and ready for dancing!
Over the next period we hope she'll achieve an enjoyment of music and movement that she might want to continue with when she's older.