Flossie, Swimming in Brighton 2015
Meet Flossie, learning Swimming with Sponsored Child 2015
Name: Flossie
Age: Four Years old
Skill learning: Swimming
Sponsor: WetWetWet Swimming School in Brighton
About Flossie: Flossie is starting her second year as Sponsored child! She has improved a lot in her swimming classes in the last year and is looking forward to be starting school in September.
Updates on Flossie's progress in her sponsored swimming classes
Flossie is one of the lucky children to be sponsored in 2015. She'll be learning swimming with WetWetwWet Swimming School in Brighton and you can see how much she progresses over the year.
Update from Mum (Date: 3/1/2016)
Flossie has been attending her classes every Friday. She loves her teacher, Kath. She has started swimming without any aids this term and loves being able to swim under water. Duck diving is her new favourite thing!!
Flossi now sits easily on the side of the pool, waiting patiently for instruction. She follows the instructions well, and although she struggles to concentrate sometimes Kath is excellent at keeping the whole group engaged. The biggest challenge has been encouraging Flossi to concentrate as she can be very excitable in the pool, especially when she has a 'new trick' to show Kath.
She can find it difficult to concentrate, although Kath is amazing at keeping her on task. Over the summer holidays Flossi stopped using arm bands so Kath has been building on that this term. Flossi is now very confident swimming unaided. She has discovered that she can swim underwater and dive down to the bottom now that she has no aids and loves practicing that.
Flossi has been working on different strokes this term and has even been learning butterfly stroke!I am hoping that flossi will continue to work on individual strokes this term. Photos were attached to previous email. Many thanks.
Update from Mum (Date: November 15)
Flossi is enjoying swimming so much and has improved dramatically over the past few months. Flossi now swims completely unaided with real confidence. With the excellent instruction from Kath, Flossi is beginning to learn strokes such as the butterfly stroke and is also working on her technique for the other strokes. Floss really looks forward to her lesson, infact most days she will ask whether it is her swimming day and if I say no she is very sad!!
Floss has just discovered that she can duck-dive under the water to touch the bottom of the pool.....something that she practices at every opportunity! We are still swimming whenever possible at the weekend as both Flossi and her sister will always choose that activity if given the chance. I am astounded at how Flossi's confidence in the water has remained with her, she has no fear at all and doesn't panic. Even if she is struggling she will very confidently put herself onto her back to get her breath back - potentially a life-saver!
Floss's passion for swimming has now rubbed off on her sister who is now hoping to start swimming too! During this weeks lesson Flossi swam 4 lengths of the pool on her back and 2 lengths on her front totally unaided - a massive achievement I think! With regards to Flossi's health, miraculously she has not had any medication for almost 6 months, which is something we never thought would be a possibility!
Update from Mum (Date: 13/4/15)
Update from Mum (Date: 13/4/15)