Looking for something to get the children active? Catch-a-balls is just the thing. Our sessions for children from 18 months are physical, exciting and fun.
Catch-a-balls is all about getting children enthusiastic about movement, catching and throwing.
We will be practicing our chest and overhead passes with lovely, large, soft nim ball, while tennis balls and bean bags are ideal to swing our tick tock arms with to do an underarm throw. At Catch-a-balls we encourage everyone to enjoy their success so we ensure that all the children have targets that challenge them but are also achievable so everyone can clap and cheer.
Visit CATCH-A-BALLS profile here and see their recommendations
We have been going to 'Catch-a-Balls' for around 18 months, since seeing an advert in the local area. We started going to the younger group 'Club Boing' which is catching and throwing and learning all about ball control. We are now onto 'Club bounce'
which is all about balancing, running and jumping with the ball, throwing, using racquet skills, ball games and different equipment, such as scarves, bean bags, hoops and wobble balls. Our teacher is a lady called 'Heather', the children all really like her classes which are well prepared and structured.
'Catch-a-balls' is so different to any other class I have been to - the children are asked to listen and concentrate on what the coach is teaching them, ie this is what you do now repeat' then they copy what has just been shown to them, the children do not get bored either as there are lots of props and they change activities every five minutes. I would definitely recommend 'Catch-a- balls' as I haven't come across anything like it before around here!