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Children GCSE Exam Preperation: Facts & Interesting Ideas facts and ideas

GCSE Exam Preperation: Facts & Interesting Ideas

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As exam time draws nearer it is easy to feel anxious and panicky – everybody does. Keeping on top of GCSE revision is no easy task. Maybe you don’t know where to start, maybe you get easily distracted (a sudden urge to make a chocolate cake? tidy your room? hunt down and sharpen every pencil in the house?) or perhaps you just feel overwhelmed by the enormity of your task.

Don’t worry; there are lots of strategies to help you get through your GCSEs in one piece.


    • Interesting facts and tips
    • How to pick an exam prep tutor
    • National associations
    • Qualifications
    • Learning from the activity
    • Interesting articles
    • YouTube
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