Terrible Twos Making French Fun

Terrible Twos Making French Fun

04 Dec 2014 Posted by: Kate Matthews


Well as the terrible twos take hold it has made for interesting French Singing classes. We have Shy Adam, Angry Adam, well behaved Adam and all in a period of 45 minutes! The last few lessons have been a challenge but culminating in the last session with a very happy boy joining in! I have given up guessing what is going on in Adams head as it is an impossible task, I can only put it down to developing and learning how to function in the world and this cannot be easy for someone so young.
Now we are creeping toward Christmas, the last lesson was a hit with some Christmas dressing up and festive songs which he enjoyed.
Adam is still showing his French off more at home than in class and is confident with his numbers and colours so can only see him improving as the weeks go on.
Mum, Lyndsey, Dec 2014


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