School Run Rage

05 Oct 2016 Posted by: A KalliKids Champion

Having just experienced being on the wrong side of someone’s school run rage I felt really strongly to write this. We really need to have a bit of understanding and patience with each other on the school run, it hard enough as it is. Being beeped at repeatedly and having arms waved rigorously at me as I simply waited until it was save to start driving again really isn’t a great way to start the day for both parties.

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As a mummy of 3 (10 year old son, 8 year old daughter and a 3 year old son) with far too many pets to control I know only too well how things can go wrong before we even leave the house for the school run, the activity in the morning really can be ridiculous.

"I can’t find my shoe" (just as you’re about to leave).

"I can’t find my coat" (again just as you’re about to leave).

"I can’t find my homework" (another one just as you’re about to leave).

"I need you to fill this form in" (no pen to be found to complete said form, pencil or crayon will have to do).

"I feel sick" (anything not to go to school).

"I need the toilet" (again!)

"I’ve got breakie on my uniform" (mmm is there another clean one available? A quick wipe with a baby wipe will have to do!)

Sibling bickering.

Sibling fights.

"I don’t want to go to school" with a full on meltdown.

A mummy meltdown as everything is just going wrong (every single day).

I know full well that before we’ve even set off on our journey to school, as parents stress levels are probably already at a very high level, and patience with anything or anyone is just simply not there. I do however urge you to take a massive deep breath before you set out on your journey in the morning. Try and leave the stress at home, and if you are running late and stressed please do not take it out on others on the road. Whether you are walking to school and especially if you are driving, it really is better to be late for school or work than hurt someone by driving dangerously or rushing across the road - it may gain you 30 seconds but that is ALL.

School run rage could be a killer, leave the stress at home and travel safely and be kind to your fellow school run stress heads.


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This blog was submitted by a KalliKids Champion Mum.
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This entry was posted in Parenting Advice and tagged parent advice, help .

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